Sunday, May 20, 2012

Peacelessness Masjid of my school

There's nothing that I can do to prevent them happen but hope Allah willing to help me... Months have passed. Whenever it's time for solat, the students was just so slow to move for wudhuk. Me, myself with other school authority have to sound them like have to kick a ball for a goal. That's just at the outside of the Masjid but what's worst is in it. 20% of the students would respectly make saf as else making a group or circle for chattering automaticly make it noisy. I'm very disappointed. Why do they need authorities to push them ? As Islam itself told them to. Aren't they have no Iman ? Aren't they fear Allah ? They thought I'm fear them but they're wrong. What would I need to fear them as there's the one that I feared and will help me as long as I pray to Him. Hope Allah willing to help to restore the Masjid's condition.

There's nothing that I can do to prevent them happen but hope Allah willing to help me... Months have passed. Whenever it's time for solat, the students was just so slow to move for wudhuk. Me, myself with other school authority have to sound them like have to kick a ball for a goal. That's just at the outside of the Masjid but what's worst is in it. 20% of the students would respectly make saf as else making a group or circle for chattering automaticly make it noisy. I'm very disappointed. Why do they need authorities to push them ? As Islam itself told them to. Aren't they have no Iman ? Aren't they fear Allah ? They thought I'm fear them but they're wrong. What would I need to fear them as there's the one that I feared and will help me as long as I pray to Him. Hope Allah willing to help to restore the Masjid's condition.

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Saje je kacau kwn aku, tak phm ker?
Cari youtube search : This is Sparta
Well, name kwn aku tu ' Dis Iz Hazi'. Mestila name fb.
Haha, mmg tak bleh blah.
Nantikn lagi meme2 aku. :)

ibuku pencen | fb kawal hidupku?! O.o

ibu aku dah pencen dh~
Ttp, aku rase mcm tak kene je:
>ibuku keje isnin - jumaat
>jumaat smalam dh tak keje
>ari ni hari ke-2 ibuku tak keje
>so? rase esoknya hari Isnin pulak. XD

Crite yg ke-2 pulak ...
Semenjak aku ade yg ade wifi, perg! fb je 24/7 smpai tv pun takyah tgk!
Ibuku nmpak prangai aku ni, hehe, kadang2 h.phoneku dirampas, kadang2 wifi ditutup.
Ttp stiap kjadian ditentukn oleh Allah SWT, so aku pun masih lagi mngelakknnya~ huh

Esok hari Ahad! Kene gunekn dgn elok. Keje skola satu pun tak sentuh. Huhu, melukis je~

Selamat kembali ke sekolah kwn2! ^^

Monday, January 23, 2012


huhuh, bosan gak cuti nie, tapi nasib baik ade pc temankan.
pc temanku, teman pc? aku la~ XD
hmm, facebook aku dh di link kan deangan blog nie. so blogpost aku akan menggantikan status2 fb aku. malas nk update facebook~ tpi malas gak nk update blog ni~ XD

Wednesday, January 11, 2012



Tuesday, January 10, 2012


belajar bukannye susah, hanya perlu FOKUS. untuk tambahan, buatlah NOTA dan bacenye sebagai revision sebelum peperiksaan. Tetapi, aku hanye fokus mase cikgu mengajar, malas nak buat nota(XD). Nota hanye akan dibuke sebelum peperiksaan. Itu cara aku, tapi memang tak patut. Huhu, harap dapat pertingkatkn pmblajarn aku. Kite blajar, ade peperiksaan. Peperiksaan, ade rekod. Rekod pula ade kedudukn dlm kelas yg mmbezakn kite dgn org lain. Tetapi, pmblajarn yg sbnr spatutnye blajar tanpa mengejar org len. Ttapi kite bleh mngikut cara pmblajaran org len utk lulus peperiksaan. Huhu, skian trima kasih~~

lame juge tak update blog

huhu, update dekat komputer takde mase. Bukak je komputer straight buka game. :)